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25 Best Side Hustle Jobs From Home

by Kenneth Wilder

Your day job could be your ideal job however, it might not suffice. It may not offer the amount you desire or offer enough security to feel safe. Perhaps, you’ve quit growing professionally, but aren’t quite ready to quit. these side hustle jobs will give you a shot to improve your self and gain an extra income.

25 Best Side Hustle Jobs From Home

Whatever the reason an extra job as much as like a side hustle jobs could provide the solution to whatever problem you’re going through, whether that’s to earn extra cash and earn money at home, develop new techniques, or to network with other professionals working in your industry.

According to an FlexJobs survey of more than 2000 employed professionals, almost three out of three respondents said they’ve got at least one job that is a side hustle plus more than 11% of them have at least one. In addition, 38% of respondents are seeking an opportunity to work as a side hustle. This means that over two-thirds (69 percent) of professionals currently employed are either working on a side project or would like to have one.

There’s no specific job classification with the title “side hustle.” So what is an “side-hustle”? How do you find the one that’s best for you? Here are some suggestions for conducting research and landing a second job working from your home.


FlexJobs is the longest-running leading job search site that helps job seekers find the best remote hybrid, work-from-home, and flexible positions. You can sign up to get premium accessibility to the database that contains screened job postings along with webinars on career and job search as well as a host of other fantastic tools! Discover how FlexJobs could assist you in your job search!

What Is a Side Hustle Jobs?

You can call it as a side hustle or a side job or even a moonlighting gig, a side job is a job you perform as an addition to your main job. It could be an work from home, part-time and seasonal or sometimes. A lot of people take advantage of part-time jobs as a way to develop new skills, experience the possibility of a career change or pursue a interest.

Side hustles are an option that lets you to earn income outside of your job. It could be freelance with a flexible schedule or gig-based work that is available in many sectors. In contrast to traditional jobs, side jobs can be flexible and allow the user to decide on their time. This makes side hustles ideal for busy schedules and who need to earn extra money according to their schedule.

What makes side hustles different from traditional jobs is in their pay. These types of jobs do not generally offer advantages, such as pension plans or health insurance. The majority of side hustlers are seeking additional income or experience to help improve their careers, and not formal benefits packages.

Furthermore it is important to note that side hustles are not regarded as part-time employment regardless of whether you work in part-time work. When you’re employed as the official part-time position the employer informally sets your schedule. However, side hustles are generally more individual and flexible, with flexibility in scheduling offering a huge incentive. This makes it much easier to keep a side hustle in check with an employment full-time as well as personal obligations.

How to Level Up Your Career With a Side Hustle Job

Many professionals look for side business opportunities to help supplement their retirement income as well as pay their bills, and build up their savings. However, finances aren’t the only reason to need a side job.

A side hustle is an excellent option to increase your professional standing. To begin, side hustles allow you to acquire new skills that will be valuable on jobs. You could, for instance, learn programming or digital marketing skills that can be helpful when you apply for jobs. If you’re looking to make something to do for a career shift Side hustles can be the perfect opportunity to develop your portfolio while still securing your full-time job.

In addition, a side business can prove employers that you’re committed and motivated. It lets them know that you’re a proactive person and will push yourself to the limit for success. This will allow you to make yourself stand out from other candidates and provide you with an advantage in getting a job.

25 Best Side Hustle Jobs From Home (Side Gigs)

However, the rise of remote jobs has provided more opportunities than ever before to secure lucrative, flexible side jobs. Many of these jobs are listed in FlexJobs. FlexJobs database.

Below are 25 side jobs that are listed on our website. These jobs are in various careers and industries. We’ve also included an typical hourly pay from Payscale. ( Please note that the hourly average will differ according to the region.)

  1. Bookkeeper ($19 per hour)
  2. Career Coach ($24 per hour)
  3. Curriculum Writer ($33 per hour)
  4. Copy Editor ($25 per hour)
  5. Customer Service Representative ($15 per hour)
  6. Editor ($27 per hour)
  7. Executive Assistant ( $29 per hour)
  8. Graphic Designer ( $24 per hour)
  9. Health Coach ($21 per hour)
  10. Translator ( $21 per hour)
  11. Lead Generation Specialist ($15 per hour)
  12. Medical Coder ($20 per hour)
  13. Online ESL Teacher ($23 per hour)
  14. Project Manager ($37 per hour)
  15. Proofreader ($19 per hour)
  16. Recruiter ($27 per hour)
  17. Resume Writer ($24 per hour)
  18. Search Engine Evaluator ($24 per hour)
  19. Social Media Manager ( $26 per hour)
  20. Tech Support ($20 per hour)
  21. Test Prep Instructor ($19 per hour)
  22. Travel Consultant ($20 per hour)
  23. Tutor ($19 per hour)
  24. Virtual Assistant ($17 per hour)
  25. writer ( $29 per hour)

Find for additional remote job openings now!!

Different types of remote side hustles and side jobs from home

There’s never been a better to create the perfect side job. Thanks to the rapid advancement in technology, you’re not restricted to the opportunities you find in your local area. Find a flexible side-job you can do from the comfort of your home office is a great way to avoid commuting costs consuming your time or income. Think about some of the options below.

1. Freelance Work

Many side hustlers make it through freelance work. The freelance market is a fantastic method to earn a little extra money but still have flexibility and control over your work schedule. You decide what tasks you will take on, the amount you’re willing to put into and also when you can work. Additionally, there are numerous types of freelance work, from editing and writing, to web design, to data entry.

example : fiverr

Find for freelancing jobs!

2. Gig-Based Work

Work from home, such as driving for rideshare services such as dog walking or service delivery for groceries, is easily timed around your other commitments. Additionally, these side jobs need no additional education or previous knowledge. You could discover your passions and start instructing on the internet or in person. Also, you can pull out your camera and give photography lessons. There are endless possibilities.

Explore for additional gig opportunities!

3. Online Flexible Jobs

Many remote workers are experiencing satisfaction with the flexible contract job. You could offer the services of an accountant or social media coordinator, or as a virtual assistant. Flexible work opportunities may require a certain number of hours per month or for the week. You are free to decide the time when you have completed your work.

Explore for more remote job opportunities!

How to Find the Perfect Side Hustle Work from the Home

If a side-job may be the best option to make right now There are a few factors to take into consideration before launching your search. Similar to a typical career search choosing the best side-job to suit your needs should be a mix of planning and investigation. Set your goals, think about your abilities and time and use that to determine which side hustle is the best fit for you.

1. Establish Your Side Hustle Goals

Before beginning your search, consider what you would like to accomplish by side hustle. Consider the following questions:

  • Do I want to make extra money?
  • If yes, do I have a specific amount I want to spend?
  • How many hours do I need to work as a side hustler?
  • Are I investing in the techniques that will aid my career?
  • Do I know what skills I’m hoping develop?
  • Do I require additional capabilities to start and expand my side business?

The definition of your goals can aid in determining the kind of side business that suits you..

Take note of how much spare time you have available for an extra job. Don’t overbook yourself and end up burning out in both your jobs!

Determine how long an extra job will require, and then figure out the amount of free time you have to devote to it. It could be that you have only one evening per week or a single Saturday day you are able to spend.

2. Evaluate Your Strengths and Available Time

Create a list of the abilities you have already developed that can help you get an opportunity to earn a side income. Consider the amount of work you are able to commit within your current work schedule or other commitments. This will help find possible side hustles that could be suitable for you.

If you’re working an online side job within your current industry it’s likely that you have a lot of the required skills. But, based on the specifics the part-time job could mean it’s your job to be the one in charge. You might need to master accounting skills or advertise your services.

If you’re working a part-time job to assist you in changing jobs, you should make your list of the transferable skills you have to aid you in determining what skills you possess and those you’ll require to master. It is possible that you will need to take certain classes to bridge the gap.

3. Research Different Types of Side Hustles in Your Field

When you’ve got some ideas for side hustles Check out the competitors. What are the services offered by competitors? What are their rates? will they be charging? Doing research on side hustles similar to ones you have will give you an idea of the best place to begin and what’s feasible.

4. Rebrand

Make a change and enhance Your LinkedIn account to ensure it is more relevant to the jobs you’re interested in. Include your achievements in transferable skills, as well as technological skills. Also, think about adding your winnings, transferable skills, and a new profile photo that is more aligned with your work-from-home business.

5. Seek Support

If you are beginning your new job as a remote worker take advantage of your personal and professional networks to provide assistance. They might have had experience working on side projects and could provide tips and suggestions (or provide a listening ears when you want for venting).

6. Take a Test Run

Before taking on any other side business (especially when it’s an area that’s new) make sure you schedule some interviews to gain an insider’s view on what the business is like. Also, it’s a good method to understand the issues that you may confront.

7. Watch for Red Flags

After you’ve begun your work from home Be on the lookout for any warning signs. Customers who don’t wish to sign an agreement, are hard to handle or who keep changing the scope of the project are not people you wish to work with.

8. Create a Plan to Find the Perfect Side Hustle for You

With your goals for side hustles and resources available make a plan to locate the perfect side business.

Make sure you’re making use of specific goals to create actionable tasks rather than perusing numerous gig and job postings. For instance, you might set out to research and present five different bookkeeping jobs as freelancers every week. This is a more solid strategy than an undefined target to “apply to bookkeeping roles.”

Related topics : 26 Best Side Hustle Ideas to Make Extra Cash in 2024

Online Side Hustles in 2024 That Pay Well

The kind of side hustle you select will be based on your expertise as well as your available time and your goals. However, side hustles that yield the highest potential require specialized skills. Here are some scenarios of side hustles that typically are lucrative in comparison to other side business opportunities.

1. Freelance Writing Jobs

Like most freelance jobs there are a lot of factors in the amount the freelance writer earns. Experience, industry and the level of experience all impact your earning potential. Freelance writers can charge by the hour or per task. The most in-demand jobs like medical, technical, as well as legal, are paid significantly more than other professions. If you’re willing to build your portfolio and showcase your work, you have the chance to turn this into an extremely lucrative side hustle.

2. Graphic Design Jobs

You are a Photoshop master? Do you excel at making visually stunning images? Graphic design side jobs are perfect for professionals who have an interest in design. Prices vary widely based on the type of project and level, however the average rate is approximately $45 an hour..

3. Social Media Management Jobs

Every business requires a presence on social media in order to stay competitive in today’s digital world. However, not every business requires full-time social media coordinator. With the help of scheduling tools, it’s simple to keep your commitments to your time. If you limit your offerings to paid advertising or a particular platform it is possible to demand an even higher amount. The median salary of a social media director is believed to be more than $25 per hour.

4. Video Editing Jobs

Side hustles for video editing are ideal for multimedia creators as well as content professionals. You can earn a substantial extra income when you’re skilled with editing audio footage color correction as well as sound design. The rates will vary based on the complexity of the project, however they the average is around $50 per hour.

5. Web Design Jobs

Side hustles in web design can be extremely lucrative, and can be a great option to expand your portfolio when in search of a new career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the earnings of web developers is a wide range, from the range of $18 to $60 per hour. Your pay will generally determine the length of time and work experience you’ve got in addition to the quality of the work you deliver.

Starting Your Side Hustle

When you research side businesses, assessing your abilities and developing an plan of action, you can decide if side hustles are the right choice for you. Find the right side-job for your objectives. If you’re willing to put in the effort and determination, side hustles could be a fantastic option to earn more and expand your skills and experience an entirely new area.

Whatever side hustle you decide to pursue, the key to success is commitment. This means that you manage your side business with the same diligence you would apply to a full-time job business. Set up separate accounts to track the side hustle’s income and expenses Make sure you treat your side hustle time as regular work hours and keep your work schedule in order to help you get the most out of your side hustles.

Remote side jobs can be a fantastic option to increase your income while working at your home. It’s also a fantastic option to test your career options, gain new skills, or expand your network. Side hustles aren’t suitable for all However, for a lot of it’s the first step towards the security of your finances and career advancement.

If you’re looking for a job that you can do as a side hustle, FlexJobs is here to assist. Our huge database of remote, legitimate as well as flexible jobs is filled with jobs that are the perfect side hustles. Join today for immediate access. Take a tour to learn more about the many ways that FlexJobs memberships can aid in the job hunt.

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